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Closer to the truth
I've been following this group for years and Beth has us closer to the truth than we ever have been.

A “Must Hear” Podcast
This podcast should be receiving a lot more attention and wider listenership. If you believe in BLM, social justice, and simply justice in general, you should be following this story. After decades of gaslighting and intimidation from this cult, and the complicity of police and government officials, the truth is finally coming out. And it’s more shocking than anyone could have imagined. Listen, and tell your friends.

This right here
I am a Philly resident. I remember both confrontations with MOVE. This podcast has drawn me all the way in. I hope justice will prevail for the Gilbride family. This is so shocking and sad. Well researched and has made me look closer. Great work

Deep dive
This podcast includes extensive research and first hand accounts/interviews that are truly eye opening. A deep dive if I’ve ever seen one. Great work uncovering all these connections, I hope this gets national attention as there are still living people tied to these allegations who can be held accountable. So many atrocities, basically pushed under the rug for years.

Justice for John
Justice for the children now adults who had to grow- up in MOVE. This is a very important podcast that needs nation attention.

Captivating and impactful
This is an excellent podcast for anyone with an interest in true crime, cults, or investigative journalism. At its heart, Murder at Ryan’s Run is about an investigation into an unsolved murder but it’s much, much more than that — including an exposé of major claims of child abuse that have yet to be investigated by authorities, and a deep dive into a dangerous cult that has impacted a major American city in profound ways. This podcast deserves widespread discovery and recognition!

This is a very important story!

Enthralling and important!
I'm so glad someone is finally diving into this story and unearthing the truths. This podcast is well-researched, well assembled and is packaged and presented in a respectful and professional way. I can't wait to hear more episodes. Great work!

Free Pixie
Free the trapped move members

Incredible Podcast
Brave, raw and honest.