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Ex-MOVE member blogs



It was after 8 years that Tony Allen and his then wife Lori left MOVE in 2004 giving an in-depth interview for The Philadelphia Inquirer that exposed MOVE as a cult.  Tony is in first two photos first one is Tony with Ramona Johnson (Africa) on the porch of the MOVE house they lived in together for more than tow years, the second photo of Tony is on a MOVE prison visit with female MOVE members in 1999/2000 - Janet Hollaway (Africa)in front of Tony, Janine Phillips (Africa) bottom left front row, Debbie Sims (Africa) bottom right of front row, behind Debbie is Orie Ross, behind Orie is Gary Wonderlin who married Alberta Africa just weeks after John Gilbride murder, the bald white guy with beard in the middle is MOVE member Fred Riley who was coordinated to marry into MOVE to one of the Robbins girls. 

Tony's blog ANTIMOVE.blogspot.

It was after 20 years that Kevin Price and his wife Maiga (also in MOVE) publicly defected from MOVE in 2021.  Kevin and Maiga coordinated their exit with Pixie Africa's escape and the launch of the podcast. Last photo above is Kevin, Maiga and Pam Africa on prison visit with MOVE members William Phillips (Phil Africa) and Delbert Orr (Africa). 

Kevin's blog Leaving MOVE